Sunday 15 December 2013

What is different about Clark trading

 have been discussing the company in some detail on this blog of late, 

Been the same as every other General trader would be no good for us or you but why are we different. 

The people for one (yes I know every company can say that) 
As I have said before there is a age difference around here @ Clark trading and all about new and old ideas happily living together. A further few points I will add, We have a very wide range of skill sets around Here for one example Lynne is a Qualified chef you may say so but in fact it has it use to both us and you it mean she can answer question about kitchen related product with some authority. She also worked in school meals as a head cook meaning she has experience with children which comes in handy at Car boot/market sales during the year. And these are just 2 example I could go on about others but the point is our wide range of experience means we can do thing other can not as we have a very wide range of knowledge resulting from all this. 
Our is it the wide range of products we sell. 
Our long hours 
Our even all the advantages been a small business offers to customers 

And yes this next statement every one says we are Customer focused but in fact our range of experience make this easier to deliver than it is for some. 

There are many other which I have discussed in other blogs  
Thanks from Clark Trading 
I will take this opportunity to thank every visitor to this blog site we now have gone over 1000 and also wish you a merry Christmas 

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