Thursday 19 December 2013

Hull may be? Hull is?

We hear a lot about Hull is this or that. But what is Hull really like. And I am not talking about the negatives or the positives just the things people say in general. E.g. Hull is this or that. Good or Bad.


Hull may be is.?

  • Dirty/untidy/Grubby? Yes this is the case in certain places. but what modern city any where in the world does not have areas like this?
  • Smelly and smells of Fish ? No there is no maybe on this one and I have covered it in a other blog on here.
Hull is ?
  • One thing that is certain about Hull is that we are a traditional industrial/port/fishing city and all these things are working class. Which means? Hull is a working class city which has lead it to a different point than other city in Yorkshire and England. Hull is after all nothing like London and many southern city's which is why the media often pick on us and other northern city as we are unlike what they know down there we are different.
  • Hull is a essential city to the UK in a way even London can not manage as are other port and industrial city like Liverpool. The UK needs it ports more than many other things.  (Again I have several blogs on here about the port )
Thanks for reading 
Ashley @ Clark Trading

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