Tuesday 12 November 2013

Ghosts and ghouls but are they real?

Ghost, ghoul, vampires and demon rule the night once a year but do they exist?

Many cultures around the world have tales of al-sorts of monster and such likes.

So vampires ?
Well you do have various blood sucking creatures out there combine it with medival understand of illness with people who can't go out in daylight you have a vampire but is it that simple?  and other conditions as well. 
Most vampire lore in the 21st century has changed due to Hollywood movies and that how we still know of them, but the fact us people across the world still belive in them not in the Hollywood sense. Of course that proof nothing!
On the face of it a lifeform living on blood is possible and fact,leach ,vampire bats as is a major adversion to the sunlight to the point of pain but to the point of death? Vampire are imortal? Is this folklore? Or Hollywood? I am not sure but imortality seems impossible. prolonged life as vampire are human based creature again it seems unlikely.
So vampire?
Myth and movie? I think so but I could be wrong afterall myth and movies change and movies can and do distrot fact and fiction alike

Thanks for reading

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