Wednesday 4 February 2015

Bar Humbug and CSR

It is not the 19th century where business could do what they liked and it did not matter. And in many ways that a good thing after all our towns and cities were heavily polluted as a result of this and again in many ways both people and the business know no different, but of course things have moved on and if any business operated like that now I think we all know what would happen. Yes this is partly due to more legations but as with times attitudes at all levels have changed.  
But that only covers thing like ensuing you don’t dump waste and the likes often there Is no legal requirement to support local charities and the likes.
So why should I as a business care and do more than I have to?
Well the usual reason given is it looks good and is great for PR and the likes but that been said loads a point I think is often overlooked is doing good feels good.

And it can be fun yes there are numerous other reason more business related but the fact it feels good is important. 

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