Monday 18 August 2014

What is good Customer service? no correction great ?

I was in a store the other day where the staff id gave the staff tips on how to be better at customer service. Which got me thinking what makes great customer service?
It goes with out saying been rude would be terrible but can you be to polite say your p&q to often? I tend to think yes you would/will get to a point where it either seems forced or robotic and automatic off the staff member. While this will not make a bad experience it would not enhance it as is clearly the companies aim.
I personal prefer the following where the staff member engages with you the customer with a conversation it takes more thinking and show that the staff member cares about enhancing the customers experience. (Here at Clark trading we engage with our customers where every time allows with a conversation and where possible relate to the customer) (either where possible with shared experiences examples)

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