Thursday, 15 January 2015

Why business need competition

Competition is good for everyone in business not just the customer  
We all know how competition can be good for the customers, it can do things like keep the price down but what a lot of people don't realize is how it can be good for a business a well.  
But Why ?
A business with 50% plus of a market is (by UK definition) a monopoly which at first look is good for that business, We all know that for a customer it can be bad it leads to bad service but the customer has little to no choice but to stay but that does not mean they have to like it. The kicker is that business will very often be complacent, and let bad practice sneak in, and that where the danger lies a business in that situation at first glance has no need to practice best practice, and that the problem they will in a business sense be fat and flabby.
But how does comperation help ?   
It keeps the business in the right mindset and at top of their game because the customer has choice and can leave if they don't like the service. It can and should drive a company to be the best and that can often include been lean so saving the company money and increasing profit if done right.  
But at the least this means a business always has to be looking at how it does things and how to do it better to keep it customers happy. 
And that is why we here at Clark trading aim to exceed your expectations each and every time, we know you have a choice in where you spend your money for deliveries or goods, And that is why we value feedback it shows us what we have done right and wrong so we can learn and move forward 

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